棉花糖自动售货机 6 种口味和颜色 132 种花朵图案



  1. 广州赤兔成立于 2017 年,从事棉花糖机行业 7 年多,是全球最大的棉花糖机生产商
  2. Our company has got all kinds of professional certificates, such as NAMA, CE, RoHS, FCC, IC, FDA, SAA, etc. and more than 100 patents, which can make sure you can running the machine in any place.
  3. 凭借向全球 10,000 多家客户销售产品的经验,我们可以为您提供专业建议,让您更轻松地利用棉花糖机赚钱!
  4. The machine has a remote background control system, with timer switch, inventory reminder, sales data, set coupons and other functions, and can be remotely upgraded system version!
  5. We support customized appearance of the machine, you can realize your ideas on the machine, to create your own

@Cotton Candy Machine Customer Case @Cotton Candy Machine @棉花糖机 CT-606

产品编号: CT-606
尺寸: 高 170CM (不含亚克力板)/顶 35CM / 宽 133CM / 深 60CM
电源: 700~2500w
重量: 350 千克
风格: 36(持续增加)
食糖消费量: 每 1 公斤 35 糖
耗水量: 每 1 公斤 35 糖
铲斗容量: 12L
储糖量:30 300
酸奶机功能: 可选
付款方式: 现金、硬币、通过 CaRD 支付
物流包装: 体积:2.2 平方米,包装尺寸:141 厘米/78 厘米/196 厘米












@Cotton Candy Machine @Cotton Candy Machine @Cotton Candy Machine @Red Rabbit @Automatic cotton candy Machine -14



